drink and draw : figure drawing classes

drink and draw : figure drawing classes

Come join us for some fun figure drawing classes while sipping on your favorite drinks!

Von commonroom

Datum und Uhrzeit

Fr. 21. Juni 2024 20:00 - 22:00 CEST



54 Florianigasse #5 1080 Wien Austria


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Zu diesem Event

  • 2 Stunden

Drink and Draw: Figure Drawing Classes

Come join us at commonroom for a fun evening of creativity and socializing! Our figure drawing classes are the perfect way to unwind after a long day. Whether you're a seasoned artist or just looking to try something new, everyone is welcome!

Grab a drink from the bar and let your creative juices flow as you sketch live models posing in various positions. Our instructors will be on hand to provide tips and guidance, so don't worry if you're a beginner!

Meet new people, enjoy some drinks, and unleash your inner artist at Drink and Draw! No need to bring anything – just show up ready to have a good time. We can't wait to see you there!

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