ATRACT Live Info Webinar

ATRACT Live Info Webinar

You want to start your future in tourism? We are here to support you from start to finish. In Austria and surroundings.


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About this event

  • 1 hour

ATRACT is looking for enthusiastic, friendly people with much or little experience who are interested in working in Austria’s hotel sector and gastronomy. We find the right job for you, fast and with peace of mind. We don’t just arrange jobs; we also make sure that everything functions as it should – to ensure you enjoy a successful start in your new job. For us it’s important to find you an employer that you’ll thrive with.

In our FREE LIVE INFO WEBINAR you have the opportunity to learn more about our ATRACT-programme and ask your questions personally. Pia from ATRACT will take the time to discuss your important topics such as minimum salary, holiday entitlements, accommodation, etc. and the next steps if you want to start with ATRACT.

Frequently asked questions

Where can I work with ATRACT?

We have member hotels located in Austria, South Tyrol and Bavaria and are expanding continously. The hotels are of different types, from the small mountain guesthouse to bigger wellness hotels. Some employ less than ten employees, some more than 50. We make sure you find the right employer for you.

Who is the ATRACT community?

Our crew members are part of the ATRACT community and form a network. It is important to us to have a lively exchange, feedback and help so that every new applicant finds a connection easily. Community events keep everyone in touch and experience the country in a variety of ways.

What jobs can I apply for?

Different positions require different levels of experience and education. Consult with your ATRACT representative during the interview process.

How can I get a job with ATRACT?

We are always accepting applications. You can apply via or visit our Infowebinar for more information. After reviewing your application, we will invite you to a job interview (online or on-site) to discuss your career and opportunities with ATRACT.

What requirements do I have to meet to apply?

Above all, you should be motivated and willing to work abroad! We are looking for motivated people who like to develop professionally and personally and see their future in tourism and leisure industry. Basic knowledge of German is definitely an advantage. Anyhow English B1 Level is required.

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