
14th ALCS Biennial Conference: Homing In

Join us in person for the 14th ALCS Biennial Conference organised by The Association for Low Countries Studies (ALCS) and hosted at the University of Edinburgh. Our 4 free keynote lectures will home in on the concept of 'home' in a Low Countries context.

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    Home Between Socialist Internationalism & White Privilege: Małgorzata Drwal

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  • Hauptbild für Decolonising Home and Belonging: Olivia Umurerwa Rutazibwa

    Decolonising Home and Belonging: Olivia Umurerwa Rutazibwa

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  • Hauptbild für Homing the Dutch: Jan Willem Duyvendak

    Homing the Dutch: Jan Willem Duyvendak

    Mon, Jul 11, 9:30 AM



Veranstalter von 14th ALCS Biennial Conference: Homing In
Based in the heart of the University of Edinburgh, the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures (LLC) brings together a truly international community of students, teachers and researchers engaged in a range of programmes across eight key subject areas.