
Paranormal Investigation Events

Join s for a spot of ghost hunting in some of Scotland's most haunted locations.

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  • Hauptbild für Paranormal Investigation of Castle Menzies

    Paranormal Investigation of Castle Menzies

    Sat, Oct 28, 8:00 PM

    Ab $0.00


Veranstalter von Paranormal Investigation Events
At History and Horror Tours we bring a passion for history, a talent for storytelling and an interest in the darker side of Scotland's past, lore and, of course, ghost stories!Whether you are looking for an infamous pirate, an accused witch, a Jacobite officer or a deceased grave robber, we have a whole collection from Scotland's past! We even have our own hangman (and his unfortunate victim) who perform and delight at a variety of events.Join one of our tours as we retrace the footsteps of ghosts from the past and their dark stories.History and Horror Tours and CoronavirusAs a tour company, our priority is always to act responsibly towards both our guides and costumers. Due to the possible spread of the Coronavirus, we have introduced a couple of measures to limit the spread of the virus and reassure our guests and staff.We have cut our maximum tour size from 30 to 15 people on all our tours. If there is a high demand we will run more tours so everyone who would like to book a tour can. Please contact us if tickets for your preferred tour are sold out.Our storytellers will use mini amplifiers so the group can still hear the stories without having to stand close to the narrator and each other.For the time-being, cash payments will not be possible. All customers will be asked to make payments online.All customers will be asked to cough or sneeze into a tissue and be mindful of the health and well-being of those around them.Handshakes between tour guides and costumers will be politely discouraged. However, a good old fashioned bow, curtsy or doff of the hat is acceptable!