
West Wicklow Festival on Culture Night 2022

West Wicklow Chamber Music Festival and Wicklow Arts Office are presenting two very different and energetic performances for audiences of all ages to enjoy on Culture Night. Come along to our marquee for both or just one, the choice is yours!

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Veranstalter von West Wicklow Festival on Culture Night 2022
Described by BBC Music Magazine as "One of the best chamber music festivals in Europe", the West Wicklow Chamber Music Festival brings exciting artists from Ireland and abroad to West Wicklow, for the enjoyment of all. Russborough, one of Ireland's most historic and iconic Palladian houses, and St Mary's Church Blessington, are fitting venues, with their intimate surroundings, fascinating history and long association with music.In 2024 the flagship summer festival takes place from 15-19 May, and the festival 'Winter Weekend' mini festival runs from 15-17 November.West Wicklow Chamber Music Festival is a registered Irish charity No. 20155179.